
  • Top 3 Competitive Advantages of Website Localization

    As society becomes increasingly more diverse, whether to translate your digital presence merits hard consideration. Is translation a good investment? What are the advantages? Does website localization really increase traffic?

  • How to Judge Translation Quality

    Judging the quality of a translation is hard. If you don't speak the language, how can you know if a translation is accurate? Use these tips to better evaluate the quality of translation projects.

  • The United Nations Pays Tribute to the Work of Translators and Interpreters

    The UN has taken an important step this year which pays tribute to the crucial work of language professionals. On May 24, 2017, the General Assembly adopted Resolution A/RES/71/288, declaring September 30th as UN International Translation Day.

  • Diversity & Inclusion: Why it’s Good for Business

    Companies with diverse workforces perform better financially. This makes a compelling case for a diverse workforce. It’s no surprise then that companies are now spending millions on diversity programs and initiatives to create more inclusive workforces.

  • Protecting Translators and Interpreters

    On Wednesday, the United Nations adopted Resolution A/71/L.68, making September 30th International Translation Day. This historic resolution acknowledges the crucial contribution language professionals make to the United Nations.